The Best Songs of June 2023 // New Music Friday!

"vampire" // Olivia Rodrigo "vampire" is the long-awaited first single off of Olivia Rodrigo 's upcoming sophomore album, GUTS . After the massive success she had with SOUR in 2021 , she hasn't released any music at all and I really didn't know what to expect from her as an artist going forward. "vampire" starts off as a piano ballad, somewhat like "driver's license" in the structure and melody. It starts to take a turn as she builds to the chorus with "I used to think I was smart, b ut you made me look so naïve, t he way you sold me for parts, a s you sunk your teeth into me, b loodsucker, fame fucker, b leedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire". It is such a powerful song to release for her comeback and honestly even better than most of the songs off her debut album in every regard. I am definitely looking forward to hearing the rest of her album when it is released in September! "Home To Another One...