Kylie Cosmetics Liquid Lipstick: Worth The Hype?

Kylie Cosmetics is undoubtedly one of the most talked-about makeup brands in the industry ever since its launch in 2015. A lot of the hype comes from Kylie Jenner's name being attached to it - but are the products actually worth the money? In todays post, I'm going to share my full review of the most popular product the brand sells, their matte liquid lipsticks. 

I made my first order on the Kylie Cosmetics website in late 2016 and I ordered Candy K, one of her original 3 lip kit shades. It is described on as a "warm pinky nude".

For about a year this was pretty much the only lipstick I would wear when I would do my makeup. It is the most reliable liquid lipstick I have and I know I can count on it lasting all day, with minimal touch-ups required. When I go on vacation, this is one of the two lipsticks I always bring with me (other than my favorite red lipstick), since I know it's perfect for any occassion. 

The formula isn't drying on my lips and I can definitely wear it several days in a row without my lips feeling overly dry or chapped. To prevent my lips from getting too dry after using this - or any other matte liquid lipstick - I always make sure to moisturize my lips before I put it on and after I take it off. 

Over time and the more I used it, the product got drier in the tube and the color slightly changed, too. But that's because I need to get a new one soon since mine is almost completely finished. 

Kylie's formulas have been compared a lot to the Colourpop Ultra Matte liquid lipstick formula. While there are several similarities between the two such as the packaging, applicator, and even some shades are comparable to each other - I believe the Colourpop formula is much more drying and messier than Kylie's. The Kylie formula stays on literally all day long, even after eating, drinking, etc. and still looks the same. Colourpop's needs several reapplications throughout the day and can get all over your face if you eat/drink anything. Kylie's liquid lipstick completely dries down matte with little to no transfer, whereas Colourpop is also matte, but still transfers even after it dries down. If I were to recommend a Colourpop lip formula, I suggest going for the Ultra Satin Liquid Lipsticks which are much more comfortable and long lasting than the Ultra Mattes. 

The actual lip kit costs $29, which includes a liquid lipstick and a matching lip liner. I opted to buy just the liquid lipstick as a single, which costs $17. If you are looking to purchase any of her lip products, I would recommend saving money and just getting the single like I did. No lip liner is worth $12, in my opinion. There are so many great drugstore alternatives that would work just as well. I recommend the Jordana Easy Liner, NYX Slim Lip Pencil, and the Essence Soft Contouring Lipliner (all of which are under $5!)

Like I mentioned earlier, I actually used this product so much that the tube is almost completely empty. So let that be proof of how much I truly love it. I definitely believe that the Kylie Cosmetics Matte Liquid Lipsticks are worth the hype.

I only made one purchase from them 2 years ago just because I don't often buy makeup online and the shipping costs so much. Kylie Cosmetics is coming to Ulta in a few months, so I will definitely be talking about their products more in the future! 

Comment below if you ever tried anything from Kylie Cosmetics & your thoughts on it!

Shade shown: Candy K


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  1. I've never tried a matt lipstick, let alone a Kylie one, but this review has definitely made me think about it now! :)

    Lisa |

    1. You should totally check it out! If you don't like matte lipsticks, she also has a velvet/satin formula too, which I've heard great things about too! Kylie Cosmetics has really great quality products from what I've tried! Thanks for reading, Lisa! :)

  2. The fact you finished the entire tube surely shows how much you loved it! I tend not to wear too many matte shade anymore, but I have heard very good things about Kylie Cosmetics! Have a fabulous week babe :) x

    1. I agree! I definitely don't wear matte lipstick as much as I once used to, but this is one I always go back to. Kylie Cosmetics makes great products from what I've tried! Thanks for reading, Gabrielle! I hope you have a fabulous week, too! :) x

  3. I have 5 of those, and yes, I love them. I love how they last long on my lips <3

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

    1. Me too! Its such a dependable lipstick to wear when you don't have time to touch up through the day since they're so long-wearing. There is such a great selection of shades, I need to try more! Thanks for reading, Alyssa! :)

  4. I really love Kylie Lipsticks and completely agree with you. They are worth the hype because they are so quality, stay on lips all day and everyone can find shade for yourself.

    1. Yes! The quality is amazing and well worth the price. There are so many beautiful shades now, too! I need to try more haha. Thanks for reading! :)

  5. That's such a pretty color! Kylie Cosmetics' liquid lipsticks are so awesome!
    Happy Fall!

    1. I agree! Its one of my all time favorites! Thanks for reading, Vanessa! Happy Fall to you, too! :) x

  6. I've always wondered if these lipsticks lived up to the hype! This makes me consider investing in one. Thanks for the honest review!

    Susie |

    1. You definitely should, I can't recommend this one enough! There are so many shades to choose from so I'm sure you'll be able to find one that suits you! Thanks for reading, Susie! :)

  7. This looks really interesting, the color is quite cute. I'd love to check this one out. Thanks for sharing dear!
    Jessica |

    1. Its the perfect pinky-nude shade for everyone and for every occasion! You should definitely check it out! Thanks for reading, Jessica! :)

  8. I haven't yet tried any of Kylie beauty products, but have heard only good things.

    1. From what I've tried, its all really great quality! I highly recommend! Thanks for reading! :)

  9. I really want to buy a lipstick like that for me, that color is too beautiful. Have a great day!

    Blog Paisagem de Janela

    1. It's the perfect shade for everyone! I highly recommend it! Thanks for reading, Paula! I hope you have a great day, as well! :)

  10. I'm super curious about this lipstick. All the matte lipsticks I've had just kept drying my lips and looked awful after just a few minutes but I'm tempted to try this one! xx

    Much Love,
    Elegant Duchess xx

    1. I found that these aren't as drying as some others I've tried - and they last a very long time too. Its a really great formula, you should try it! Thanks for reading, Elegant Duchess! :) x

  11. It's great this works so well for you that you've almost used it all up! That's how you know it's a good product :)

    Hope that you have a great weekend ahead of you! It's going to be a rainy one here!

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. I agree! :) I hope that you have a great weekend, as well! Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, Mica! :)

  12. Thank you for the honest review. Have heard of it, but haven't tried it before. This helps!

    1. I'm glad my review helped! You should definitely try it out! Thanks for reading, Missy! :)

  13. I was an absolute kylie lip kit FANATIC when they came out!! I remember when they would sell out within minutes so I would set an alarm on my phone 5 minutes before they would go on sale to make sure I buy them fast enough haha! I think I have about 15! I think they were over hyped but they are good products. I still wear them every once in a while!

    xo, allie

    1. That's how it was for me too! When I first bought mine I had alarms set and would keep refreshing the page over and over on my phone and my mom's phone waiting for it to go on sale. Its crazy how much demand there was around her liquid lipsticks in the beginning, I don't think any other brand has ever been able to do that before haha! Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, Allie! :)

  14. I wanna try Kylie liquid lips too, it seems such a great product

    1. Her products are really great quality! I highly recommend them! Thanks for reading, Tori! :)

  15. Such a pretty colour. Thanks for sharing

  16. I’ve been wanting to try these for ages now!

    1. They're the best, I can't recommend them enough! Thanks for reading, Kysblogs! :)


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